Hello Techies, Welcome to this tutorial

Today, we are going to learn how to install Elastic Search and Kibana in a windows-based system. Then we’ll perform some CRUD operation on an elastic database and after that, we’ll go through the basic use of Kibana to view the data stored in the elastic database. this tutorial mostly focuses on the windows-based installations. But there are some instructions available for another operating system also. Please go through them carefully.

You will learn the following things:

  1. Install an elastic search.
  2. Install Kibana.
  3. Spring rest project.
  4. Elastic search repository.
  5. Save and fetch the data from elastic database using the repository

Basic knowledge of elastic search, Kibana, Spring boot, Restful web services.

Versions we are using:
1. Java 1.8 u251 +
2. Elastic search 7.7.1
3. Kibana 7.7.1

Now, we are clear with what to do and what is the prerequisite for understanding this tutorial. But before start learning, please make sure that you are using java version 1.8 update 251 and above.

Let’s begin…

1. Install elastic search:
Installing an elastic search is the first step of our tutorial. The official page of elastic search is providing easy ways to set up this on your local machine.

So, let’s follow the steps mentioned on this link.
Please, carefully read the commands to run those after successful installation. After running the elastic search you’ll see something like this

elastic search log

Elastic search local URL:
check if the elastic search is successfully started running or not by clicking the above URL. If it runs successfully then you’ll see the following information

elastic search response in the browser

2. Install Kibana:
Kibana provides the data visualization dashboard for elastic search. it is an open-source tool widely used along with the elastic search. Also, it provides a lot of other features like line graphs, histograms, pie charts, etc.

To install and run the Kibana on local machine please follow the steps mentioned here.

Connect Kibana with the elastic search:
After installation open Kibana configuration file i.e. \config\kibana.yml and set the host property with following value
elasticsearch.hosts: [” http://localhost:9200 “]

there is a lot of configuration but we are not going to learn those in this tutorial. Because we are just focusing on some simple configuration to make this tutorial easy to understand.

After that running Kibana will print the log like this:

Kibana log

Kibana local URL:

if Kibana runs successfully then click on the above link will take you to the Kibana homepage which looks like this

Kibana home page

3.Project setup: Spring Rest services:
We will use the spring boot to set up the project. But before that, we need to check the compatibility chart for our elastic search version with spring data. Following chart is showing which spring boot version is compatible with elastic search version:

Compatibility chart

source: https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/elasticsearch/docs/current/reference/html/#preface.versions

We are using elastic search 7.7.1. so, we decided to use spring boot version 2.3.x. To create a maven spring boot project, you can use this https://start.spring.io/ or create it by using IDE which you are currently using.

Basically, our project needs the following dependency:

// elastic search
// Spring rest
// to avoid boilerplate code

Java Configuration:
After creating a project, we need to set some configuration to work with elastic search. so, we will create a configuration file using annotation. and with this change, we are finished with basic configuration.

@EnableElasticsearchRepositories(basePackages = code.java.tech.elasticsearch.repository")
@ComponentScan(basePackages = { "code.java.tech.elasticsearch" })
public class ElasticConfiguration {
// We’ll add some beans here in future.}

4.Elastic search repository:
Elastic search dependency provides the interface called ‘ElasticsearchRepository’. Which provides lots of features like the inbuilt method for CRUD Operations, method name query, fetch the data, etc.

Let’s start creating our own repository. But before that, we need to create a document first.

@Document(indexName = "style")
public class StyleDocument {
private String id;
private String styleNo;
private String info;
private Date validTo;
public interface StyleRepository extends ElasticsearchRepository<StyleDocument, String> {
* method for fetching styledocuments by styleNo. it uses the feature of spring data to
* create method like this which are similar to the queries
List<StyleDocument> findByStyleNo(String styleNo);

5. Save and fetch the data from elastic search:
I hope you all are comfortable with spring rest for creating service and methods. So, to make this tutorial easier we will create a rest method to create the data and one more rest method to fetch those saved data.

Let’s create a service that will perform create, search, and findAll operations on StyleDocument.

public class StyleService {
private StyleRepository styleRepository;
@PutMapping(value = "/create/{styleNo}")
public void create(@PathVariable String styleNo) {
StyleDocument document = StyleDocument.builder()
.info("style is created with no " + styleNo)
.validTo(new Date())
@PostMapping(value = "/search/{styleNo}")
public List<StyleDocument> findAll(@PathVariable String styleNo)
return styleRepository.findByStyleNo(styleNo);
@PostMapping(value = "/findAll")
public List<StyleDocument> findAll() {
Iterable<StyleDocument> iterable = styleRepository.findAll();
List<StyleDocument> result = new ArrayList<>();
return result;

This was the final step and we are ready to test our logic. Let’s run the application main class. And to test the service method. we might need a third-party app for testing our service methods. I’m going to use ARC client available in google chrome browser. But you can use whatever makes you comfortable.

Let’s begin testing:

Note: we have used some hardcoded values to some properties of StyleDocument. But style no value depends on the user input which we can pass from URL.

Create a new record
URL: http://localhost:8080/create/100
Method: PUT

create a record

With the above call, we have created a style document with style no = 100. If you want to create more entries then just change the last value of the URL and send the request to the server. It will create new data with the new value.

2. Search by value
URL: http://localhost:8080/search/100
Method: POST

Let’s search the value which we have just saved with the following URL.

Search record by style no

3. Find all the data
URL: http://localhost:8080/findAll
Method: POST
It will return the list of style documents

find all the records

4. Let’s use Kibana to check the data
Click here to open Kibana: http://localhost:5601/

Then go to discover tab and there you will see the two records which we have just saved.

Woww…!!! We are done here.

Finally, We have successfully performed some operations on an elastic database after the successful installation of Kibana and Elastic search. and now we got the idea about how to store and retrieve the data from/to elastic database.
also, we understood the creation of our own Elasticsearchrepositoy.

Future scope:
1. Deep dive into elastic search capabilities
2. Complete understanding of Kibana tool
3. In detail configuration of Elastic search & Kibana

The source code can be found here:

for more tutorials visit: https://codeworld.tech.blog/

